[BlueOnyx:11620] Re: BIND config (was: Logwatch question)

George F. Nemeyer tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Fri Oct 26 20:07:20 -05 2012

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012, Gerald Waugh wrote:

> I have used this on several servers and it works, the gui does not help,
> tried it.
> In /etc/maned.conf
>       options {
>     recursion no;
> };

I hope you meant "named.conf", not "maned".. which was the point of my
poor attempt at humor from the first message.

Such an entry can work with *normal* bind config files, but BX isn't
'normal' in how it does things.

Remember that in BX, '/etc/named.conf/' is *auto-generated* by the CCE GUI
handler, so if you make any changes (like adding a zone, changing an
entry, or making an option change), the whole thing will get rewritten
later.  It even has this warning:

   // BIND9 configuration file
   // automatically generated Fri Oct 26 16:19:03 2012
   // Do not edit this file by hand.  Your changes will be lost the
   // next time this file is automatically re-generated.

To be safe with any manual edits, you'd have to examine (and likely
re-edit) /etc/named.conf every time you do anything in the GUI that might
alter the nameserver setings.

If the BX GUI isn't making the proper recursion on/off entries, or isn't
showing the actual state of the settings, then it really needs to be

=^_^=  Tigerwolf

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