[BlueOnyx:13322] Re: mailscanner?

Lew Berry LCBerry at lcbconsulting.net
Wed Jul 10 07:54:00 -05 2013

anyone else seeing these email errors
appears to be an overly aggressive mailscanner. But the email looks OK business email

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<reciepient at recipient-domain.com<mailto:j.charbonneau at nepcosignsupply.com>>
    (reason: 554 5.7.1 The message from (<someone at mydomain.com<mailto:betsyh at ajbart.com>>) with the subject of (Order attached) matches a profile the Internet community may consider spam. Please revise your message before resending.)


Hundreds of them with slight variations, invoice attached, receipt attached, etc.
Attachment is a zip or rar exe and we know that's hardly ever a good thing.

Lew Berry, MCSE, MCT, CSSA
LCB Consulting Inc.
Systems Engineer
450-106 State Road 13 N, #205
St Johns FL, 32259
LCBerry at LCBConsulting.net<mailto:LCBerry at LCBConsulting.net>
(904) 482-1405
(904) 322-5049 fax
(904) 651-1046 cell

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