[BlueOnyx:13821] Re: phantom IP address

James james at slor.net
Wed Oct 9 20:33:26 -05 2013

> I'm having a problem with getting rid of an old ip address.
> I've been having weird problems with email being delayed too long. So
> I ran netstat -tnlp | grep 25 and got the following results
> tcp        0      0 xx.xxx.xxx.52:53  *
> LISTEN      1671/named
> tcp        0      0 xx.xxx.xxx.51:53  *
> LISTEN      1671/named
> tcp        0      0        *
> LISTEN      16665/sendmail
> Notice the 53? Well that was the old ip address of the box. I removed
> everything I could find referenced to that ip and now only show the ip
> addresses ending in 51 and 52. But somehow this still shows.
> I miss emails coming in and people never receive mine. I get a timeout
> this one today, when I tried to post to the list:

Unless I've missed something, I think you've simply misread your output
there.  53 is the port number that the .51 and .52 addresses are listening
on for DNS queries, not part of an IP.  I expect it showed up in your query
because there is a 25 somewhere in another octet of your addresses.
Unfortunately, I don't have a good guess what's going on with your email
woes without a closer look at the server.

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