[BlueOnyx:15622] Quota warning messages

Simone Capra capra at erweb.it
Mon Jul 7 09:22:13 -05 2014

Hi everybody,

we have found something strange happening in a Blueonyx instance of ours (it's a 
VPS running under Aventurine virtualization) .

Today a customer called stating that he did not receive the quota warning 
message for an account that was really over quota.

After a few tests we'vve found that it was not possibile to run

since it gave the following error
can't open statecodes at /usr/sausalito/perl/AM/Util.pm line 26, <GEN0> line 25.

we have that copied a /usr/sausalito/swatch/statecodes file from another server 
and that went ok.

Is it correct? have anybody ever exeperienced something similar?


Simone Capra
E.R. WEB - s.r.l.

mob. +39 335 5257182
mail: capra at erweb.it

P.zza Risorgimento, 12 - 13100 - Vercelli
tel. +39 0161 210090

L.go Richini, 6 - 20122 - Milano
tel. +39 02 58215611


Problemi con le configurazioni di posta elettronica?


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