[BlueOnyx:16043] Re: Patched bash for RH 4.9

George F. Nemeyer tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Sat Sep 27 12:51:57 -05 2014

On Sat, 27 Sep 2014, Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet wrote:

> George, you are a true adventurer, sir!  It's fun to think that there
> are still little blue RaQs actually running in production these days.

Over the years, I've picked up a few on eBay dirt cheap, largely just for
fun.  They're small and only use about 30 watts of power.  They're not
really 'production' as such, but they still do fine for simple static
websites and things like secondary DNS, backup mail exchangers, and
archive storage.

The OS is sort of a hodgepodge of a later version Boot ROM that does ext3
filesystem, BlueQuartz/Strongbolt, a custom 2.6.20 kernal I compiled with
patches for the LCD and buttons, and some individually compiled versions
of some things that needed fixes from Centos or other sources.

I've also got a RAQ 550 that I managed to cobble BlueOnyx 5106 onto.  I
managed to stuff in some older BQ saualito bits into it to support the LCD
and fan speed sensors.

Since that's a 'real' i686 machine, I'd love to keep that going with the
new fancy BlueOnyx setup, but getting the LCD and button support into the
new sausalito is *way* beyond my abilities.

=^_^=  Tigerwolf

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