[BlueOnyx:18833] Re: BlueOnyx server down

Tom wcstaff at webcoast.com
Fri Dec 18 00:37:59 -05 2015

Hi Michael,
> You must only use *one* of them and cannot run both. Each of them also
> keeps its DNS zone files (and the general configuration) in different
> directories. So if yours are in the directories for "named-chroot" and
> you start the wrong service, then your DNS will not work as expected.

I originally followed what Chris did and copied the zone files from 
"/var/named/chroot/var/named" to "/var/named". I then restarted the 
service, but used the old way to start the service. The service did start 
and websites were up and emails were flowing.

However, before that, the service was failing to start after the YUM 
update, because it could not find a certain file. So I think one of the 
actions of the YUM update changed the default location of the file or 

Out of curiosity I removed the zone files from /var/named, which I had 
previously copied there, restarted "named-chroot" and the service failed 
to start. So I copied them back, restarted the "named-chroot" service and 
the service started.
I don't think it's actually fixed, but maybe just band aided? 
I think when the zone files get updated in their proper location of 
"/var/named/chroot/var/named", in the future, it will cause problems. 
Because right now I have zone files in "/var/named" and 

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