[BlueOnyx:16972] Re: Upgraded from 5108R to 5208R and now I can can't login via GUI

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Feb 6 01:56:12 -05 2015

Hi Jeff,

> After a smooth upgrade from 5108 to 5208 I am able to login via SSH, but
> when logging in via the GUI (which presents the new UI) it responds with
> "You have not entered a correct username and/or password. Please try again".
> I get the following in the "messages" log:
> Feb  5 23:35:01 host3 cced(smd)[7242]: client [0:7237] has admin rights
> Feb  5 23:35:04 host3 cced(smd)[7249]: client 0:[49:5327]: AUTH to user
> "admin" failed
> I can log in as a v-site admin without issue--but not with the box
> root-admin.

>From SSH as "root" try these two steps:

1.) Restart CCEd:

/sbin/service cced.init restart

See if you can login to the GUI afterwards.

2.) If not, try to change the admin password with this command:

passwd admin

It will ask you for the new password twice. Try to login to the GUI with
that and see if it works.

3.) If that still doesn't work, troubleshoot it with cceclient:


That will open a shell to CCEd. Say your password is tomato123, then you
can try to authenticate against CCEd with it like this in cceclient:

auth admin "tomato123"

It is important that you put the password in double-quotes. These are
the two probable responses:

If the password is incorrect you get this:
401 FAIL

Or something like this, which indicates it worked:
109 SESSIONID 84QL74v32.....YMUHTntMK
201 OK

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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