[BlueOnyx:17963] BlueOnyx Shop News: Software Rentals available

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Jul 8 00:11:17 -05 2015

Hi all,

Greg and I would like to announce hat it is now possible to rent
BlueOnyx packages in the BlueOnyx shop.

This feature has been coming for a long time and it is finally ready:

BlueOnyx software can now be rented on a monthly basis.

See: http://shop.blueonyx.it/blueonyx.html

So when you need software for your BlueOnyx server(s), then you now have
two options to choose from:

- Purchase (with or without support and updates)

- Rental (with support and updates)

The benefit of purchase is that you buy the right to use the software on
as many servers as you buy copies of the respective software. This
software will run on the type of BlueOnyx servers that it was designed
for and unless there are fundamental changes to the OS it will work
pretty much indefinitely. Even without subscription to updates. If you
purchase a subscription to support and updates, then you will also get
all bugfixes and minor and mayor updates of the purchased PKGs for as
long as your subscription continues. Downside: The costs of the purchase
has to be paid in a single installment at the time of the purchase.

The benefit of rental is that both the cost of purchase, support and
updates is lower than when you do an outright purchase of the same
software bundle. If you decide to rent one of the available bundles,
then you get access to all PKGs that are contained in that bundle. You
also get access to all updates of said PKGs and get priority for support
cases. Payments happen on a monthly basis via Paypal. There is no
minimum contract length. You basically pay as you go and can cancel your
rental subscription at any time – no questions asked. When you end your
subscription, then the next monthly billing for that item will simply
not take place. All we require you to do is to uninstall the rented PKGs
and to discontinue using them. After a grace period rental PKGs without
ongoing active subscription will cease to work as their GUI components
will revert to a deactivated state. The GUI pages will still be there,
but an error message will be shown on the respective pages that the PKGs
brought aboard and changes can no longer be saved.

Rental is therefore an ideal solution if you don't know if you will be
using the software for an extended period of time. Or if the steep
initial cost of ownership for an outright purchase (with or without
subscription to updates) is met with some reservation. Another ideal
usage case is the situation where you perhaps set up a server for a
client and don't know how long this client of yours might want to use
the server.

We set the prices for the rental to be considerably cheaper than
purchase to provide an incentive for people to choose rental over
purchase and to provide the most cost effective solutions to our loyal
BlueOnyx users.

Please note:

Rental is *only* available for bundles that are designed for BlueOnyx
5207R, 5208R and 5209R servers.

The following bundles are available in the BlueOnyx shop:

BlueOnyx Enterprise Edition (BOEE)

This item includes access to ALL Solarspeed and Compass authored
packages for 5207R, 5208R and 5209R.

BlueOnyx Professional Edition (BOPE)

This item is the same as the enterprise edition - without access to the
WHAM application modules. All other Solarspeed or Compass authored
modules for 5207R, 5208R and 5209R are included.

BlueOnyx Web Edition (BOWE)

This item provides access to all Compass & Solarspeed of the WHAM
application modules for 5207R, 5208R and 5209R.

If you have any questions about this new offer, then please let us know.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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