[BlueOnyx:18645] phpMyAdmin 404 on 5208R

William Thackrey wethackrey at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 15:57:49 -05 2015

Gents – 

We’re standing up a new 5208R BlueOnyx server.  No sites yet, but have installed a number of Solarspeed packages including automated backup, modPHP, roundcube, etc.

I’ve set up mySQL through the GUI and get status of: "MySQL connection possible with this settings".  When I go to Server Management::Programs::phpMyAdmin, I get a 404 error.  The offending URL is: http://<my_host>:444/phpMyAdmin/index.php

I can do a database dump through the GUI.

Any ideas what might be blocking phpMyAdmin from opening?

Bill Thackrey

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