[BlueOnyx:20250] Re: AV-Spam 6 - removing domain from greylisting

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Nov 14 22:24:36 -05 2016

Hi Michael,

> I complained about the same thing quite a while back. There is a box for the
> AV-SPAM settings marked "Network", "Whitelisted Recipient Domains" that says
> it is for whitelisting whole domain names from Greylisting.

Please take a look at "Whitelisted Senders". The helptext reads as:

IP addresses (and IP address ranges) specified here will never be
subjected to delays by Greylist-Milter. Their emails are accepted
without delay. Please specify single IP addresses with a /32 at the end.
Example: The whitelist entry for should read: You can also whitelist entire network address ranges.

It's network addresses and it only affects Greylisting. Whitelisted IP's
and IP address ranges aren't subjected to the Greylisting delay.

> Instead you must enter each specific email address

Whitelisted Email Recipients" takes email addresses (with wildcard) and
that will whitelist emails from being marked as SPAM by SpamAssassin.

I see that there are versions of the AV-SPAM that (incorrectly) say you
can whitelist by domain name for Greylisting, but this is not correct.
The Whitelist and Blacklist settings that accept email addresses are for
SpamAssassin, not Greylisting.

I will publish an update that fixes the description.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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