[BlueOnyx:20249] Re: AV-Spam 6 - removing domain from greylisting

Michael Aronoff maronoff at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 21:55:43 -05 2016

Michael Wrote:
> What you posted there is the config of Milter-Greylist. That's just for
the Greylisting and doesn't take domains, but network 
> addresses. Any additions to that can be added via the GUI and those IP's
and network addresses will then no longer be
> affected by Greylisting.

I complained about the same thing quite a while back. There is a box for the
AV-SPAM settings marked "Network", "Whitelisted Recipient Domains" that says
it is for whitelisting whole domain names from Greylisting. It worked in an
earlier version of the AV-SPAM package but at some point it broke and now no
longer works. When you put domain names into that box of the GUI expecting
them to be whitelisted from Greylisting it does not work.

Instead you must enter each specific email address which can be very
annoying, time consuming or even impossible. If a client asks me to have a
whole external domain not be delayed by Greylisting then I do not know all
their email addresses. If they work at numerous locations I might not be
able to even do it by IP address.

M Aronoff Out – maronoff at gmail.com 

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