[BlueOnyx:20835] Open_basedir anomalies

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Sun Mar 26 14:16:02 -05 2017

We have a site that is having difficulty with open_base dir.

This is the error:

PHP Warning:  require_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/.sites/51/site54/web/classroom/config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp/:/var/lib/php/session/:/usr/sausalito/configs/php/:/usr/share/pear) in /home/.sites/51/site54/web/classroom/backup/backup.php on line 6

But this is the conf file:

[root at pegasus site54]# cat /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/site54 |grep open_basedir
php_admin_value open_basedir /usr/share/pear:/var/lib/php/session:/usr/sausalito/configs/php/:/tmp/:/home/.sites/51/site54/

Not sure why we are seeing this error when it does seem to be in the allowed path?

[root at pegasus site54]# cat /etc/build
build 20140909 for a 5208R in en_US

Anybody able to give me a clue? Would seem to be getting its allowed paths from elsewhere?



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