[BlueOnyx:21966] firewall iptables config blue onyx cron

Jochen Demmer jdemmer at relaix.net
Mon Apr 23 07:51:08 -05 2018


we have been running blue onyx for some time now and just discovered
that all firewall ports are open, despite the fact that we use puppet to
set rules according to our environment.
I found out that /etc/cron.hourly/log_traffic is the reason for the
firewall rules being overwritten every hour.

What can I do to permanently detain blue onyx from changing our iptables
rules? We would like them to handle them ourselves with puppet.

Thank you

Jochen Demmer
System- und Netzwerkspezialist

RelAix Networks GmbH
Kackertstraße 10
52072 Aachen

Tel.:      0241 / 990001-206
Fax:       0241 / 990001-149
E-Mail:    jdemmer at relaix.net
Internet:  http://www.relaix.net/

Geschäftsführer: Thomas Neugebauer
Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 15108

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