[BlueOnyx:24471] Re: 5210R Mailman - more YUM updates

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Nov 7 20:49:00 -05 2020

Hi all,

>>>> Mailman CGI error!!!
>>> Make sure you have all YUM updates installed. This was fixed recently.

Apparently not. :o/

I just had the chance to examine another 5210R that still had Mailman
CGI errors. Despite having all updates installed. (Thanks, Florian!)

Mailman has a "cgi-user" compiled in and that user must match the user
that Apache runs under. The way Mailman integrates into Apache it
doesn't matter if a Vsite runs under another user. Like it does when
mod_ruid2 is enabled. The Mailman call from Apache will still be done
with the user configured in Apache itself.

However: Depending on the installation method it's possible that Apache
on 5210R runs either as "apache" or as user "httpd". If that doesn't
match the cgi-user that Mailman expects, things break.

I could publish a set of updates which hard-wire Apache to use user
"httpd" by default, replacing user "apache" on those boxes that
surprisingly use that user instead. But that has the potential to cause
unexpected breakage with Vsites and applications a BlueOnyx user might
have installed himself. I'd rather not rock that boat.

So I opted for the next best solution: I just published another set of
YUM updates which moves the Mailman pages to AdmServ. Apache now only
has a redirect at the old URLs that will bring up the Mailman pages at
their new location on the AdmServ URLs. This works seamlessly and if
someone has the old URL bookmarked, he'll get redirected to the new URL

Likewise the Mailman related buttons in the GUI that bring up those
pages have also been adjusted and "blueonyx-mailman" has been recompiled
to use cgi-user "admserv".

That should be a proper long term fix that ends these issues.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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