[BlueOnyx:25872] Re: Real Time access analysis (and better stats)

Juerg Sommer jsommer at emailto.ch
Thu Dec 29 15:42:10 -05 2022

Hi Michael,

> That may be one way to do it. As you can see in 
> /etc/logrotate.d/apache it calls split_logs this way:
> https://devel.blueonyx.it/trac/browser/BlueOnyx/5211R/ui/base-sitestats.mod/src/sitestats-scripts/apache.logrotate 
> /usr/local/sbin/split_logs web < /tmp/.logrotate_apache_access 2> 
> /dev/null || true
> So we're telling split_logs that this is a 'web' log and we're piping 
> /tmp/.logrotate_apache_access through it. This may be a frigging large 
> file, so that's why it's not shoved into a variable, but directly 
> processed by slit_logs.
> Once *that* is done and we have the Server's web.log, we simply call 
> GoAccess to do it's deeds, because at that point we don't have to 
> worry about STDIN anymore, as there will be nothing else delivered by 
> STDIN anymore.
>> I have to test it if it's also work with logrotate.
> I guess it'll work. Until you eventually try to shove several 
> gigabytes of logfiles through it to parse. :o)

I agree, large logfiles are a problem with variables...

The problem is line ~170 (I modified the script)
system("$GoAccess_cmd $go_access_params");

This is called BEFORE <STDIN> loop in ~270:
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {

GoAccess grabs the STDIN run on command line (both way "cat xy | script" 
or "script < xy")


#system("/usr/bin/xargs /usr/bin/echo YY ");
my @stdin = <STDIN>;
#system("/usr/bin/xargs /usr/bin/echo YY ");
while ($line = shift(@stdin)) {
      print "XX:".$line;

If you activate only the first system(), output is

[root at blueonyx9 admin]# echo test |./stdin.pl
YY test
(system grabs stdin, loop is empty)

If you activate only the second system(), output is
[root at blueonyx9 admin]# echo test |./stdin.pl
(@stdin grabs the input and system is empty)

So you have to call GoAccess AFTER parsing STDIN or backup STDIN in a 
variable. It works when called in logrotate, but I don't know how, 
GoAccess or perl must be handle different, when they are not executed on 
an interactive shell. I don't like any script which reacts different 
when they are called manually or by server daemon. And somewhere in the 
future, the STDIN is maybe also grabbed when executed on logrotate...


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