[BlueOnyx:25874] Re: Real Time access analysis (and better stats)

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Dec 29 20:18:16 -05 2022

Hi Juerg,

>> I guess it'll work. Until you eventually try to shove several 
>> gigabytes of logfiles through it to parse. :o)
> I agree, large logfiles are a problem with variables...
> The problem is line ~170 (I modified the script)
> system("$GoAccess_cmd $go_access_params");
> This is called BEFORE <STDIN> loop in ~270:
> while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
> GoAccess grabs the STDIN run on command line (both way "cat xy | script" 
> or "script < xy")

Ah, ok. I see your point. And it's a good point. But I still don't want 
to stuff the whole Apache access_log into a variable as that might blow 
up in our face if the logfile snippet is large. And that might easily 

So how about this:


In that change I moved the whole (first) GoAccess parsing block behind 
any STDIN processing and that runs off the (copied) logfile itself 
anyway and doesn't need STDIN anyway.

I think that should work better.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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