[BlueOnyx:25562] Re: BO5209R GUI broken because of wrong PHP version?

Blueonyx@Ceelie.info arie.ceelie at ceelie.info
Fri Jul 29 16:00:49 -05 2022

Hi Michael,

Thinking back I seem to remember that it had something to do with firstly
some glibc shizzle it told me to instal (I'm not sure though and then some
php version(s).
That being said.....

I will fire her up and first check

>>[root at 5209r ~]# rpm -qa|grep php|grep -v base-|sort

And eventualy, if missing,

>> If not, reinstall them via YUM.

If that doesn't solve it..... Nothing to lose, all backed up so I'll try

>>rpm -e --force --nodeps php-*
>>yum reinstall php-*
>>yum groupinstall blueonyx
I'll let you know. Thnx.

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