[BlueOnyx:26323] Re: negative AV-Spam score

Juerg Sommer jsommer at emailto.ch
Thu Jun 22 15:20:28 -05 2023

Hi Meaulnes

> Can someone help me to set up a rule that recognizes *the same from 
> and to address* in the header? I'm not very skilled for this...
>   From: <legler at waveweb.ch>
>   To: <legler at waveweb.ch>
>   Subject: Your account is hacked. Your data is stolen. Learn how to 
> regain access.
> I don't want to take @waveweb.ch out of the Welcomelist/Whitelist, 
> it's where the users on my servers write to. A rule that would catch 
> if from and to addresses are the same and then set a very high score 
> would fix my problem.

This is not a good idea, I REALLY recommend you to define SPF and/or 
DKIM. This mailing list mails for example have also same from and to and 
would be affected too.

Google says for your rule:

header    FROM_SAME_AS_TO                   ALL=~/\nFrom: 
([^\n]+)\n.*To: \1/sm
describe  FROM_SAME_AS_TO                   identical from and to
score     FROM_SAME_AS_TO                   10

header    FROM_SAME_AS_TO2                  ALL=~/\nTo: 
([^\n]+)\n.*From: \1/sm
describe  FROM_SAME_AS_TO2                  identical from and to
score     FROM_SAME_AS_TO2                  10

not perfect (doesn't work if the is defined a different name like
From: "sender" <test at mail.com>
To: "recipient" <test at mail.com>

or there's more than one recipient. But once again: if you give that 
rule so many points, so that's more than the whitelist negative score, 
this rule is very dangerous and will filter wanted mails like this. 
There are better possibilities, if you don't wan't to use spf for 
example create rules with negative score for your firstname (if it's not 
part of the mail), trusted networks, part of your signature (ex. 
"Zurich, Switzerland"), so that all replies to your mails get's negative 
score, ...

Best regards,

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