[BlueOnyx:26024] Re: Updated AV-SPAM for 5209R available

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Mar 13 10:29:14 -05 2023

Hi Richard,

> Just to add to this - swatch  appears  to be  trying to access a DB called avspam7, we did not  have a avspam7 Db, we have a avspam6 , also I noted some avspam errors about connected to avspam7 Db, however it all still started, and still indicated in GUI SQL was enabled for avspam and connection ok, which was strange as DB was missing
> So I create the DB called avspam7 -  gave access to it for avspam user,
> Then ran swatch, received  a different error about a table missing, ran swatch again, all errors  had cleared, and swatch ran with no issue.

That is one way to solve it, yeah.

Please check which version of the AV-SPAM you have installed on 5209R. 
Last night I first published the v7.2.1-1 for 5209R, which had this 
issue. Then I noticed the problem as well, fixed it and released 
v7.2.2-1, which deals with it.

The problem is that the old AV-SPAM used indeed a DB named "avspam6" and 
the newer AV-SPAM uses one named "avspam7". The whole AWL stuff inside 
the DB is now also different, as we now use TxRep instead of AWL.

The CODB key "flush_sql" in "System" . "AVSPAM_Settings" serves us as a 
trigger to force the GUI to create and populate the AV-SPAM SQL 
database. If that trigger is set to "1", it erases the old DB (if 
present) and creates and populates a new one (with the correct name). 
Then the trigger is set back to "0".

However, some older AV-SPAM releases might have left the trigger on "1", 
preventing a DB rebuild.

There is now a constructor that triggers on a CCEd restart and that both 
makes sure that "flush_sql" is set to "0" if it was previously left on 
"1" and it also fixes the DB-name in CODB if it was wrong.

When you then go into the AV-SPAM GUI and save any changes, the DB 
"avspam7" will be created and populated with the required tables and 
structures, too.

> clamav-milter[29803]: No clamd server appears to be available.

Yeah, the new Clam AV is still a bit hit and miss. Sometimes it works, 
sometimes it throws exactly this error for a longer amount of time. I'm 
looking at it now and a fix for it will be forthcoming soon. It doesn't 
hinder email-delivery, but yeah: We want it to be working when it's enabled.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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