[BlueOnyx:26456] Re: Error when saving user settings

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Sep 8 14:19:11 -05 2023

Hi Michael,

> I went to change the settings in an email account on a 5210R and got an 
> error message I had never seen.
> When I click "Save" I get two error boxes that say:
> The field 'User Allowance' is required.
> The field 'Enforce Email Limits' is required.
> I have never gotten these before and stranger there do not appear to be 
> boxes for such things in the user settings.

These two settings are added by the AV-SPAM for the Milter-GeoIP email 
volume checks.

See in the attached image, where I ticked the "Enforce Email Limits" to 
expand the field and to show the option "User Allowance" that's 
otherwise hidden.

So this is complaining about these two options not being set in your case.

Please do this for troubleshooting:

1.) Go to "Server Management" / "Network Services" / "AV-SPAM" and in 
the "MySQL"-tab make sure "Use MySQL" is set, that it reports "MariaDB 
connection possible with this settings".

Then on the same page but in the "GeoIP"-tab you can either turn on or 
turn off these email traffic limits via the "Enforce Email Limits" checkbox.

2.) In "Site Management" / <Vsite> / "Services" / "Email" you can turn 
it on or off for the whole Vsite (and all users of it) via the "Enforce 
Email Limits" checkbox at the bottom.

It looks like there is a disagreement between what the GUI thinks is 
enabled/disabled on the server and vsite level.

My recommendation: Turn it on/off on the server level and save each 
time. Do the same for that Vsite in question. Afterwards the problem 
should be gone.

I am currently working on the AV-SPAM 7.2.5 (newest Clam AV and some GUI 
related fixes) and if there should be a general issue with this since 
the last GUI changes, then I'll fix it right away in that release.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
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