[BlueOnyx:26887] outgoing issue

Barry Mishkind barry at oldradio.com
Sat Apr 6 11:19:26 -05 2024

Good day to you all.

I have been fighting an issue all week where, each morning, something 
is blocking outgoing email. (At times, it seems some incoming is also blocked.)

At one point we were directed to get rid of DFix2, but that has not 
solved the problem. Once again, today, for about the six day in a 
row, email was not going out.

I checked and found my IP is on the white list in APF Fireall and Fail2ban

As yesterday, I was able to resolve it by entering on the CLI
/usr/sausalito/sbin/avspam_init.pl -restart

Is there a similar command in the GUI to use?

Or, is there something else that would allow web access, shell 
access, but no email outgoing?


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