[BlueOnyx:27089] Re: Quota oddity, BlueOnyx 5210R

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Jul 4 14:36:04 -05 2024

Hi Andy,

> The UI display under Usage information -> Disk for a site just shows the
> suggested disk usage for the logs and does not list any of the individual
> users - the table is empty.  For the affected sites (only 2 out of 100 or
> so), any attempt to create files (eg mail) is rejected with a disk quota
> full error message.
> However, counting the file disk space used suggests all is within quota
> allocation.  xfs_quota also confirms that the users affected are not using
> too much disk space and neither are their sites/groups.
> The only way round it for now has been to forcibly disable XFS quota
> management.  Not ideal, but at least the server works again.

No idea, but this for sure is something that I would like to look into. 
Could you please file a "Support Request" via the GUI? Make sure the 
checkbox "Allow Access" is enabled.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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