[BlueOnyx:27015] Re: Exporting and Importing Secondary Mail Server Records

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri May 31 12:32:53 -05 2024

Hi Richard,

> The service I'm referring to is only available when Sendmail is used for the
> SMTP Server and found at: Network services >> Email >> Secondary
> Mail-server. It receives and forwards emails when the primary is down or
> slow.
> There are definitely records in /etc/mail/mailertable, in the format
> "example.com smtp:mail1.example.com"
Oh, indeed. That's such an antiquated feature that I no longer had it on 
my radar. And like you said: When Postfix is used, it's even disabled 
and that's the new default.

You should be able to copy the relevant sections from 
/etc/mail/mailertable on the source server to /etc/mail/mailertable on 
the target server and then run "makemap hash /etc/mail/mailertable.db < 
/etc/mail/mailertable" to put them into effect (for Sendmail).

But indeed: The GUI will not show them and other than Easy-Migrate there 
is no sensible way to migrate these. I'm even wondering if Easy-Migrate 
will move these across and wouldn't lay my hand into the fire for that.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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