[BlueOnyx:27016] Re: Exporting and Importing Secondary Mail Server Records

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Fri May 31 15:25:34 -05 2024

On 5/31/24 12:32 PM, Michael Stauber via Blueonyx wrote:
>> The service I'm referring to is only available when Sendmail is used 
>> for the
>> SMTP Server and found at: Network services >> Email >> Secondary
>> Mail-server. It receives and forwards emails when the primary is down or
> Oh, indeed. That's such an antiquated feature that I no longer had it 
> on my radar.

I wonder if that's even a useful feature anymore.   If a mailserver is 
down for a brief time, wouldn't the email destined for it just get 
queued up on the sending server for a bit?

We ran "backup" mailservers years ago but it wound up being more trouble 
than it was worth.   We also found that spammers commonly would go for 
the lower-priority MX first, thinking that would be a less-restrictive 

I'm not sure I would spend any time trying to replicate this feature 
here in 2024.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
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www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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