[BlueOnyx:01817] More Sendmail issues

Steve Davis steve at zio.com
Sat Jul 25 20:07:56 -05 2009

First of all, let me thank the list for all your past assistance. It  
really been over-the-top.

New issue, old problem.

Yes I am still being attacked from Taiwan and China, but the relay  
attempts are just a few dozen per minute now. Previously the attacks  
were so persistant that a tail -f maillog went by so fast you really  
could not read it.

Now my issue is with Alias of all the domains. Sendmail rejects them  
with User Unknown.

Adding and deleting does not help, but I can tell that the alias  
database is not rebuilt each time an addition or removal is made of an  
account or alias.

If i stop sendmail and restart sendmail, thought the interface or  
command line, the alias and alias.majordomo does get rebuilt, but, the  
aliass still will not accept email sent to them.

Michael, yes, I have an A record for the name of each site, www or  
mail, or other.

Note: the only packages i have added are Compassnetworks, dfix,  
denyhost, and base package. All working great.

Again, and help would be appreciated.


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