[BlueOnyx:00753] Re: [coba-e:15286] Re: SMTP showing 'red' in GUI since update

Gerald Waugh gwaugh at frontstreetnetworks.com
Wed Mar 11 14:20:12 -05 2009

Colin wrote;
> You're not really losing it - I am having problems with both SMTP and FTP 
> ... a server that has been stable for years has suddenly started sending 
> me 'not working' messages every now and then. SMTP was totally broken (FTP 
> flakey) after the update but then it suddenly started working. Now it just 
> falls over about two or three times a day.
> There is something fishy going on in that update :-/
> Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me will work out what it is.
Seems like the problem is on BlueOnyx also, I never had it on BQ
Here is what I did on BX

Seems to have an issue with ftp.
Not sure tht it is a good fix but, I commented these lines out, as "send 
QUIT\r" does not seem to work.
It still will indicate if ftp is listening and responding with the '220'.

# send "QUIT\r"
# expect {
#    "221 " {}
#    default { # fail if we're not ack-ed properly
#       puts -nonewline $env(redMsg);
#       flush stdout;
#       exit $AM_STATE_RED
#    }
# }

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