[BlueOnyx:02392] Re: No main menu after big YUM Update

David Thacker David at ThackerNet.com
Mon Sep 14 18:50:17 -05 2009

Hi Michael,

>> Any ideas on what I can do to get my web GUI back?
> Do you have any third party software installed on that box?

No, I don't actually.  I had been planning to set up Greg K's DFix via the 
NewLinq server after completing the YUM update, but didn't get that far.

> I only saw it causing the error once so far and was unable to replicate 
> it.
> Please login by SSH as "admin" and "su -" to gain root access. Then run 
> this
> commands:
> Then run "/etc/init.d/admserv restart" and check if you can login to the 
> again.

Copied and pasted the commands as root without any errors, but alas it did 
not seem to make any difference.  Same old blank admin GUI output :-( 
Tried Chrome and IE8, no anti-script settings in either browser.

I guess what I'll have to end up trying is to turf the whole thing and 
reinstall from an newer ISO.  I was hoping there would be an easier way...

I don't suppose anyone figured out how to install BX from a USB memory 
stick yet, did they?  That would beat having to open up the case and 
attach a CD-ROM drive.


David Thacker 

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