[BlueOnyx:02395] Re: No main menu after big YUM Update

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Sep 14 19:06:55 -05 2009

Hi David,

> I guess what I'll have to end up trying is to turf the whole thing and
> reinstall from an newer ISO.  I was hoping there would be an easier way...

Yeah, sounds like it. :o(

Or if you send me the login details offlist I can take a look at it.

> I don't suppose anyone figured out how to install BX from a USB memory
> stick yet, did they?  That would beat having to open up the case and
> attach a CD-ROM drive.

I once looked into it. It's possible to do that, but would be a bit of extra 
effort to wiggle in the kickstart scripts so that they work off an USB stick. 

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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