[BlueOnyx:04507] Re: PCI scans -trying again without the report

webmaster webmaster at oldcabin.net
Sun May 16 10:47:24 -05 2010

Great response.

I will be sending this along with Micheal's comments on to my client 
who I hope.... will send them on to the snake oil salesmen.

By the way

I closed a bunch of ports, turned off ssh, turned off webmin, had 
them re-scan me and now I only have one error

>On 15 May 2010, at 23:43, Michael Stauber wrote:
> > I just went through the entire report and it contains so much garbage
> > that I can't even be bothered to refute them one by one.
>Sadly this is to be expected.  PCI Auditors will use tools - but
>use them without any deeper understanding of what the tools
>actually do - or what their diagnostics really show.   This is no
>different from the huge number of 'Auditors' who sold snake-oil
>during the run up to Y2K - often making their money not from
>offering anything constructive, but from the fear created by the
>so called Millennium Bug.
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