[BlueOnyx:08497] Re: Japanese GUI Language still have some problem.

Chuck Tetlow chuck at tetlow.net
Fri Sep 16 10:44:08 -05 2011

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Michael Stauber <mstauber at blueonyx.it> 
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it> 
Sent: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 13:29:48 +0200 
Subject: [BlueOnyx:08475] Re: Japanese GUI Language still have some problem.

> Hi Eiji Hamano, 
> > 1,  BlueOnyx is made for not technical person as for many. 
> >      That is, a end user and resaler also go into the control panel. 
> The menu entry "BlueOnyx News" and the newspage itself can *only* be seen by a 
> server administrator. 
> A siteAdmin will not see it. 
> A user site user will not see it. 
> Please try it out. Login as a site admin or regular user.  You don't see the 
> "BlueOnyx News" then.

OK Michael,

I have to admit that I'm confused!

I've followed this thread, without understanding the "BlueOnyx News" references.  I'll admit that my production BlueOnyx boxes are a bit out of date, and I'm intentionally not updating a lot of the packages on them.  So I can understand why a newer feature like "BlueOnyx News" doesn't show on them.

But I've got the brand-new 5107R running in a VirtualBox environment.  Its fully updated and patched.  And I still don't see anything called "BlueOnyx News" - no matter who I log in as.

I hate to admit ignorance - but am I missing something?  I've got virtual sites and virtual administrators added to the test box - so that's not a issue.  But the only place I see anything about news is when I go to the "System Setting" menu, and the "Information" page.  There is a link back to the BlueOnyx website at http://www.blueonyx.it/ where you can see news.  But there is nothing on my server itself (in any language).

WOW!!  Never mind. 

I had searched and searched around - but no "News".  But when I went into the personal profile and switched the skin from BlueOnyx to Merlot - wa-la, there is "News".  Switched back to BlueOnyx and there the RSS news feed was still there.  I'd never seen that before - so it was new to me.  And while I'm puzzled why it wasn't there before I switched skins - at least I know how to get it if that happens again.


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