[BlueOnyx:08499] Re: Japanese GUI Language still have some problem.

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Sep 16 15:49:42 -05 2011

Hi Chuck,

> WOW!!  Never mind. 
> I had searched and searched around - but no "News".  But when I went into
> the personal profile and switched the skin from BlueOnyx to Merlot -
> wa-la, there is "News".  Switched back to BlueOnyx and there the RSS news
> feed was still there.  I'd never seen that before - so it was new to me. 
> And while I'm puzzled why it wasn't there before I switched skins - at
> least I know how to get it if that happens again.

It probably didn't show the new entry until CCEd was reloading it's settings 
during the skin change. Typically updates like this restart CCEd, but that 
doesn't always go through all the way.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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