[BlueOnyx:09323] Re: Password Enforcement

Larry Smith lesmith at ecsis.net
Thu Jan 5 12:42:35 -05 2012

On Thu January 5 2012 11:30, Ken - Precision Web Hosting, Inc wrote:
> In my experience, most passwords are compromised because  they are very
> weak, or the customer fell for a phishing email.  I've never heard of any
> one where a burglar broke in an saw their written down password.

It is called "Social Engineering" (Mitnicks book), they don't have to break
in, all they do is say they are working on a phone, net, a/c or whatever
issue and wander around the desks, noting desks and passwords, stickys,
etc, go back to their wireless connection across the street and see how
many work...

Larry Smith
lesmith at ecsis.net

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