[BlueOnyx:09324] Re: Password Enforcement

Roy Urick rurick at usa.net
Thu Jan 5 12:47:23 -05 2012

Not burglars, but I have examples of coworkers utilizing the post-it note on the monitor, cube wall, etc to log onto the machine. 

I too prefer pass phrases to complex passwords. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 5, 2012, at 12:30 PM, "Ken  - Precision Web Hosting, Inc" <kenlists at precisionweb.net> wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Chris Comley
> It's getting very annoying trying to create user passwords which don't get 
> sent back for being "too short" or "based on a dictionary word" when they 
> are no such thing. The result is very stupid passwords which are inherently 
> insecure as the user will have to keep them written down.
> Is there any way to amend the policy, or to just turn it off??
> For further reading on the subject of *good* passwords I offer 
> http://xkcd.com/936/
> --
> Chris Comley
> <<
> In my experience, most passwords are compromised because  they are very 
> weak, or the customer fell for a phishing email.  I've never heard of any 
> one where a burglar broke in an saw their written down password.
> ----
> Ken Marcus
> Precision Web Hosting, Inc.
> http://www.precisionweb.net
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