[BlueOnyx:12303] Re: Server lose network connection

Lew Berry LCBerry at lcbconsulting.net
Mon Feb 25 21:59:29 -05 2013

Tried changing the adapters too. BX installer bails on the standard adapter. Rolled back to a previous kernel. No joy! At this point I'm guessing some windows update has broken it. Going to try a V2P conversion tomorrow.

Lew Berry, MCSE, MCT, CSSA
LCB Consulting Inc.

From: blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Chuck Tetlow
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 7:47 PM
To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List
Subject: [SPAM?] [BlueOnyx:12300] Re: Server lose network connection
Importance: Low

> On 2/24/2013 9:31 AM, Lew Berry wrote: 
> > I have a 5108 box [UTF-8?](2.6.32–131.17.1.el6.x86_64) running on HyperV with 
> > the legacy adapter. 
> > 
> > It has lost connectivity to the network, [UTF-8?]won’t answer to anything. 
> > 
> > While in the process of booting up, it will answer about 10 or 12 pings 
> > then quit. 
> > 
> > Any ideas? 
> Sounds like a problem with HyperV.  That's the one virtualization 
> platform I've absolutely sworn off of so I won't be able to help you 
> with the settings there, but you might try experimenting with the 
> network adapter settings on it. 
> -- 
> Chris Gebhardt 

My sympathies Lew.  I'm also fighting a 'BlueOnyx on Hyper-V' problem.  In my case, the LVM container won't mount - so the system can't get into the partitions to boot.  I'm still attempting to recover that LVM container. 

One of the things I've notices while having to manage multiple BX servers on Hyper-V - it occasionally looses the network configurations/connectivity.  Most of the time it happens, we're able to modify the Hpyer-V settings to get the networking back up.  Change it from "Public" to "Internal LAN", and then back.  Sometimes, we didn't even have to shutdown the VM.  Making the changes fixed it right away.  Other times, we'd have to shutdown/modify/reboot to fix it.  And in one case - we never got it fixed and I rebuilt that BX server..... 

OH YEA!  And make sure your Hyper-V VM is using a "Legacy Network Adapter", not the standard "Network Adapter".  If you're using the standard "Network Adapter" - you'll have all kinds of network problems (including loss of network connectivity like you're having). 


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