[BlueOnyx:17729] Re: new server setup

Tom wcstaff at webcoast.com
Sun May 31 20:31:18 -05 2015

> Login by SSH to the IP (the IP of the Vsites and the IP
> you want to keep!). This is important!
> As "root" run /root/network_settings.sh and change the primary IP from
> to
> When that is done, check with /sbin/ifconfig that the aliases are gone.
> If they are gone, then all is good.
> If they are not gone, then reboot the box for good measure. It should
> come back up without aliases an should only be using 
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the instructions. 
I followed your instructions and after running /sbin/ifconfig, configuring 
correctly and checking with /sbin/ifconfig, everything shows correct. 
But, under the GUI, it still shows the eth0 as  and it still 
has under alias.
Also under GUI/Active Monitor/Status, there is a red triangle and an error 
message "The network interface eth0:0 is down". However, I can still access 
the server by domain name and ip address, as well as the Vsites and email. 
I'm beginning to think I'm possessed:-). 
Thank you for your help

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