[BlueOnyx:01119] Re: PHP method for changing folder / file owner?

Jeff Jones jeffrhysjones at mac.com
Fri Apr 24 09:29:07 -05 2009

Thanks Michael,

I totally understand and pretty much expected to get totally flamed.  
I'm sort of in such a desperate situation right now what with the  
holiday and all of that - it was sort of my lasts hope. I made a point  
of highlighting that it was for only desperadoes boobs suffering my  
own specific circumstances, which I am sure are pretty rare but you  
never know. Perhaps I'm the only one on the planet?

I know you are working on the GUI thing but it's not my place to keep  
asking / pestering etc - you have plenty of other stuff to do!

I would actually like to know if there is some sort of donation /  
paypal page that I could stick some $$$ in just as a thanks for all  
the work you've done so far. There are a number of projects (such as  
Zeroshell Net Services) and every now and then I like to stick some $$  
his way just to say thanks.

But until then - I have had to give my boob friend the crown jewels to  
his own server.

He has been told to wear them with care and dignity, not to leave them  
on the train when he goes home tonight, and absolutely forbidden to  
take them out drinking tonight in order to impress his lady....


On 24 Apr 2009, at 14:53, Michael Stauber wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
>> So it seems that BX puts all server admins in the wheel group by
>> default, it's just that (by default) sudo doesn't allow wheel to use
>> them - as default. Also the other cool thing is that now I can do  
>> sudo
>> stuff without having to keep typing in that darn password. Brilliant!
> While this is a nice work around, I'd rather encourage people not to  
> use it.
> Or at their own risk. Because granting sudo rights is like giving  
> them the
> keys to your crown jewels.
> I'm working on a GUI enhancement that allows siteAdmins to chown  
> stuff through
> the GUI. Should be ready in a few days. It'll be built into BlueOnyx  
> by
> default. So just sit tight for a few more days ...
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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