[BlueOnyx:03849] Re: Spamassassin gone plum crazy! - fixed

Jeffrey Pellin jeffrey at px2co.net
Fri Mar 5 04:50:02 -05 2010


Unfortunately, although the settings save they don't do anything.

You can change the SpamAssassin settings to stop scanning outgoing mail but
this has no effect. SpamAssassin seems to be treating outgoing mail as
incoming, and it tags all the mail as Spam - mostly because the pop3 users
have DUL or dynamic IPs.

So things still don't really work.



On Thu, 4 Mar 2010 20:03:25 +0100, Michael Stauber <mstauber at blueonyx.it>
> Hi all,
>> got the same problem on a BO box.  since the upgrade to AV-SPAMv5.1 I 
>> can longer amend anything through the interface
> Someone please prepare the tar and the feathers while I strip and prepare
> for 
> a little bit of public humiliation.
> I screwed up. My apologies to all who were affected by this problem.
> Updates of the AV-SPAM have just been published to the YUM repository and
> they 
> fix the problem that you could no longer save the settings in the GUI.
> Just run (again - sorry!):
> yum clean all
> yum update
> CCEd restart is not needed this time around, but it won't hurt if you do
> it.
> There was a problem with a handler that's supposed to write the changes 
> requested from the GUI off to the respective config files. That handler 
> buggered out pretty early on, as it couldn't load a specific Perl module.
> It worked on my test box (and I now know why), but not on a (more or
> "stock" BlueOnyx. I think I need to fire my Q&A department <sigh>. 
> Again: Sorry!

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