[BlueOnyx:06667] what all needed to change server name (mail)

Jim Dory jdory at nomealaska.org
Fri Mar 11 18:49:56 -05 2011

We recently moved our web server to an offsite host, but kept the email 
part of the server in house. The local server's name is 
www.nomealaska.org and now I have my DNS records pointing offsite to the 
new www.nomealaska.org. Our email is user at nomealaska.org and so I have 
nomealaska.org listed as an alias for the local server. DNS is still 
pointing to our local  (no hostname) nomealaska.org.

So if I change the name to mail.nomealaska.org, keeping the alias for 
now of nomealaska.org, things should work? I tried that this morning and 
could not receive mail. (email settings in client are still set to pop3 
going to nomealaska.org and smtp is nomealaska.org.

I didn't think to try to restart dovecot or anything so perhaps after 
changing the server name I should have done that. Maillog didn't have 
anything that jumped out - but I'm not the best at reading it.

Things are working right now as is - I can shut off the web part of the 
services to avoid conflicts with the new site but things seem to work 
there for now as well - plus I'm still migrating a little off the old 
site so nice to log onto it for now.

thx for any help, Jim

Jim Dory
City of Nome
PO Box 281
102 Division St.
Nome, AK 99762


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