[BlueOnyx:10359] open_basedir restriction in effect.

DD bqlist at distortal.com
Fri Apr 27 06:39:13 -05 2012

Hi All,

Using 5108R, I have a CSV file at /home/.sites/70/site4/product_list.csv and
am trying to parse it using a script in the same folder, but get the

	PHP Warning:  file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/home/.sites/70/site4/product_list.csv) is not within the allowed
path(s): 	(/tmp/:/var/lib/php/session/:/usr/sausalito/configs/php/) in
/home/.sites/70/site4/update_products.php on line 12

In the server admin panel for this site, Open basedir is set to:


I would have thought that last path would allow it to run but this doesn't
seem to be the case.  I've tried adding /home/sites/<thedomain>/ to this as
well but no joy. The script tries to access the file via its full server URL
because it runs through via crontab.

In addition, how do we turn off Safe Mode for a site on 5108R?

Dick Dolby

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