[BlueOnyx:15645] Re: CMUExport missing data

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Jul 10 17:42:58 -05 2014

Hi Steven,

> Has anyone else noticed the lack of SOA in the cmu.xml? It
> contains all the DNS records but not the actual SOA :S

That has always been the case. As far back as the original RaQs. That's
why we have the DNS-Tools to separately handle DNS records. How do
backup and restore them is described in the CMU Migration guide on the
BlueOnyx website:


> I have a secondary NS for a  bunch of domains - that’s it…
> Any ideas how I can build a primary from this?

It's not supported. But take a look at the CMU migration guide. There is
a separate script for import of secondaries. If you modify that, you
could let it create the correct primary records instead of secondaries.

To find out the difference between CODB transactions are for a primary
or secondary record, simply do this:

a.) Run a tail -f /var/log/messages
b.) Create a primary DNS record.
c.) Create a secondary DNS record.

Compare the CODB "set" transactions and in the Perl script for the
import simply add/replace the corresponding key/value pairs in the
cce->create() transaction.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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