[BlueOnyx:18027] Virtual Site List, ~ (tilde)

Lewis Gardner lewisg at iglou.com
Thu Jul 16 10:23:40 -05 2015

When viewing the Virtual Site List there are several blue boxes in the 
Features column. PHP, Email and DNS I understand but the tilde ~ I 
don't. Other than simple curiosity the reason I wonder is a site that 
doesn't have the tilde shows up in preview but a different site on the 
same IP address displays in a web browser pointed is to it's name.

Figuring that Automatic DNS Configuration has something to do with this 
I went to General Settings and toggled the check box for Automatic DNS 
Configuration of the site. It turns off fine but when turning it back on 
I get a red box with the error "The following mail server aliases are in 
use and cannot be set: '.(domain name that does not have the tilde)' 
Looking through various DNS records in the GUI I don't see any obvious 
errors but I'm certainly not very proficient at DNS.

So what does the tilde mean?

How do I fix the site that does not display?


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