[BlueOnyx:22101] IPv6 configuration - sendmail down

Jochen Demmer jdemmer at relaix.net
Wed May 23 04:02:56 -05 2018


since IPv6 is now officially being supported I thought I give it a try.
My first step was to enter an IPv6 address into the WebGUI under
Server Management - System Settings - TCP/IP
I set an IPv6 address and our gateway which is a link local address

I have not configured a website with an IPv6 address nor have I setup
AAAA for any of the sites, yet.

Eversince sendmail seems to be broken now because of me enabling IPv6.
Here's what the log says:
May 23 10:30:02 www4 sendmail[19489]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root):
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf: line 292: host "2a00:fe0:0:2::600/64" unknown

This is the corresponding line:
O DaemonPortOptions=Familiy=inet6, port=smtp, Name=MTA-v6, Modifier=O,

The sendmail process won't start any more. Just out of curiosity... why
do you use sendmail and not postfix or exim?
I tried to remove IPv6 configuration in WebGUI TCP/IP without success.
Can someone assist, please. Mail system has been down now for two days.

Those are the packages installed on a CentOS 7 machine:

Thank you

Jochen Demmer
System- und Netzwerkspezialist

RelAix Networks GmbH
Kackertstraße 10
52072 Aachen

Tel.:      0241 / 990001-206
Fax:       0241 / 990001-149
E-Mail:    jdemmer at relaix.net
Internet:  http://www.relaix.net/

Geschäftsführer: Thomas Neugebauer
Amtsgericht Aachen, HRB 15108

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