[BlueOnyx:24182] Re: AVSPAM Outbound scanning

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Aug 12 14:25:19 -05 2020

Hi Michael,

> I recently upgraded to a 5210R and this new server is very fast. However
> users have still been complaining of email being slow to be sent so I
> dug into the logs and it appears that even though I have AVSPAM set to
> NOT check outbound email it still is.
Yeah, that's weird. Even more so this:

> 11:16:07 ... size=2289 ...
> 11:16:27 ... Milter add: header: X-Spam-Status: No

That message had only 2289 bytes and it took 20 seconds to process? Yikes!

What does your /etc/sysconfig/spamass-milter config file look like right

If you turn on outbound scans, save, turn it back off and save again, is
the file any different?

I ask, because possibly that file and the GUI are out of sync and
outbound scans are on while the GUI thinks they're off. Toggling in back
and forth once should then sort that issue.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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