[BlueOnyx:25118] Re: CLI command caddvsite and cmodvsite

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Sep 17 02:44:26 -05 2021

Hi Nobuyoshi,

> I am using BlueOnyx 5210R now, I would like to realize automated vSite
> creation using caddvsite and cmodvsite command.
> I have been finding command options through help and documents,
> however, I am not able to find realizing following option.
> I would be appreciated it if someone can tell us how to realize or any
> other workaround.
> 1: PHP module change, default it seems PHP option is turned on as
> PHP(DSO), how can I turn it  on as FPM mode?
> 2: Unable to activate Database (MySQL/Mariadb)
> 3: Unable to activate DNS settings (This is intended to let vSite
> administrater. to manage own DNS record)

Yeah, the thing with the shell-tools (caddvsite & cmodvsite, but also
cadduser & cmoduser) is this:

These tools date back to the original Cobalt RaQs and although they were
ported to BlueOnyx the features they *can* edit hasn't grown with the
options that were eventually added to BlueOnyx.

So they cannot modify certain settings such as PHP implementation and
version, can't enable or configure chrooted Jails, there is no DNS
management in them and MySQL/MariaDB management isn't included either.

In the short term I have no plans to add these features to the shell-tools.

However: What you're trying to do can also be done via the BlueOnyx API.
You can read more about that here:


The API was designed with WHMCS in mind and we provide free WHMCS
modules for managing 5209R and 5210R via WHMCS.

But you can also interface directly with the API by writing your own
implementation. The API responds to POST requests and can be used to
create and modify Vsites (and to some degree users). The API can also
directly create Vsites with DNS, PHP and MariaDB configured and it also
creates an initial siteAdmin for Vsites.

Maybe that's a better approach for what you have in mind?

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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