[BlueOnyx:25374] Re: Logwatch 5210R

Neil Watson neil at waterend.net
Thu Mar 31 04:24:08 -05 2022


I know this is quite an old issue but I am suddenly seeing quite a lot 
of these errors in my logwatch

Use of uninitialized value $QueueID in hash element at
      /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/sendmail line 920, <STDIN> 
line 94 (#1)

I don't particularly want to change to Postfix as I've got the hang of 
sendmail over the years!

This is a new install of 5210R on Almalinux 8.5.

Question: Blueonyx is currently deploying quite an old Logwatch (7.4.3 
(04/27/16) ) and it looks like the "current" version is logwatch-7.6 [1] 
from 2022-01-22, which implies the package is undergoing development... 
I wonder if this issue has been fixed in a subsequent build?

So... is there any scope for an upgrade?

Thanks and best regards


On 2020-06-30 20:36 Michael Stauber <mstaub at blueonyx.it> said:

> Hi Richard,
>> Getting these (seems like thousands of) errors in the logwatch report:
>> Use of uninitialized value $QueueID in hash element at
>> /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/sendmail line 920,
>> <STDIN> line 24100 (#1)
> We're using the run-of-the-mill and umodified "logwatch" from the 
> CentOS
> repository. I just checked a few 5210R of mine and I don't see this
> problem on any of these. So ... no idea.
> I checked /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/sendmail at line 920 to
> see what it's doing when the error happens and it's this section:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> } elsif ( ( $Host ) = ($ThisLine =~ /(.*) (\(may be forged\) )?did
> not issue MAIL\/EXPN\/VRFY\/ETRN during connection to /) ) {
> # we test if they previously sent junk, because the connection is
> expected to fail
> if (defined $CommandUnrecognized{$QueueID}) {
> $CommandUnrecognized{$QueueID} = $CommandUnrecognized{$QueueID}
> . "    ... and then exited without communicating\n";
> } else {
> $DummyConnection{$Host}++;
> }
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> So this triggers when the server is probed via "MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN"
> *and* the email in question doesn't have a $QueueID.
> The variable $QueueID is set in line 397 of this script. But if this is
> a server probe via VRFY for example, then that script cannot possibly
> have a $QueueID yet, because stuff hasn't progressed far enough to
> generate a QueueID yet.
> To me this looks like an oversight on behalf of the "logwatch" 
> maintainers.
> My suggestion: Comment out the lines 918-924 to disable this check.
> That's exactly the block of code I quoted above.
> Another alternative: Switch to Postfix. Logwatch will then no longer 
> use
> the Sendmail code snippets and will instead use the ones for Postfix.
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber


[1] https://sourceforge.net/projects/logwatch/files/logwatch-7.6/

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