[BlueOnyx:27114] Re: Email issue

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Fri Jul 19 04:53:47 -05 2024

Hi  Roy,

On 7/18/24 10:02 PM, Roy Fritz via Blueonyx wrote:
> Jul 18 22:33:28 hostname postfix/smtpd[1386578]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT 
> from unknown[216.9.xxx.xxx]: 554 5.7.1 <alonas at domain.com>: Sender 
> address rejected: Access denied; from=<alonas at domain.com> 
> to=<alonas at domain.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<STATION1>
I would check 2 things:

#1: The sending address in Roundcube is a valid user or alias. It's 
possible for a user to create an identity in Roundcube that doesn't 
match an actual address on the server.

#2: The sending address hasn't been added to a reject list somewhere 
(ie: Network Services -> Email -> Advanced tab or AV-Spam -> 
SpamAssassin -> Blacklist from)

That's assuming of course that the DNS entries are properly configured 
for the domain.  Since your other domain users don't report problems 
that's probably OK but if this is your only webmail user then you need 
to look at what that box is seeing differently than your users.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com  | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ
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