[BlueOnyx:26997] 5209R to 5210R, 2 things noticed

Tomohiro Hosaka bokutin at gmail.com
Wed May 29 13:54:29 -05 2024


I have started the upgrade from 5209R to 5210R using easy-migrate.pl.

It works almost fine and looks great!

I noticed two things.

First thing.
Immediately after bringing up a suspended Vsite, I can access it from
my browser.
If I turn suspend off and on from the admin screen, I can't access it.
It seems that the hook is not triggered after easy-migrate.pl.

Second thing.
When accessing a Vsite that is suspended, the scheme of the redirect
URL is not retained.
Browser shows a certificate warning screen, which is confusing.

    % lwp-request -Sd http://suspended.site/
    GET http://suspended.site/
    302 Found
    GET http://suspended.site:444/gui/Forbidden403
    200 OK

    % lwp-request -Sd http://suspended.site/
    GET http://suspended.site/
    302 Found
    GET https://suspended.site:81/gui/Forbidden403
    500 Can't connect to suspended.site:81 (hostname verification failed)

    % env PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME=0 lwp-request -Sd http://suspended.site/
    GET http://suspended.site/
    302 Found
    GET https://suspended.site:81/gui/Forbidden403
    403 Forbidden

That's all.

"Elmer" theme is very cool!


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